Suggestion for Com597 Video


Listening to our classmates introduce themselves around the table, I was struck by the over-arching theme of “new.” The entire class seemed to embarking on unexplored territories.  They were exploring new jobs, cities, even bus routes.  As we introduced ourselves, we were taking the first step in new friendships that may last a lifetime.  “New” suddenly seemed to be the perfect theme for our first class together.  The idea is specific enough to provide a “red thread” for the final product, yet  general enough to inspire creativity. Not only is the concept one the class is emotionally bound to, but the entire country is in “new” territory. Every single part of American life faces a sea-change, from jobs to the housing market to politics, the country is facing a major shift.  Finally, new is what this program is all about; we are the fore-front, the avant-guard.  When using this compilation in the marketing materials of the program, “new” can be a solid association with this burgeoning arena and program.

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